Extending Windows C: Drive using VirtualBox and iSCSI with FreeNAS
Previously I described how to use VirtualBox to set up a Windows VM with storage on a FreeNAS…
More granular console SQL coloration
Thanks to having spent far too much time admiring Nyan Cat derivatives, the Rails 5.0 console will include a new…
[SOLVED] What do the colors mean in the rails console?
TL;DR — Nothing. Ever notice that database log entry prefixes are colored in the rails console? Ever wonder just what the cyan and magenta represent?
Configuring VirtualBox for iSCSI with FreeNAS
I recently brought a shiny new FreeNAS server online. One of the objectives for the new network storage device was to offload my VirtualBox…
Rust, Part 1: Welcome to the 21st Century
Rust, from Mozilla Research, has shipped a 1.0 beta. To celebrate this great milestone — the advent of modern, civilized society…
Occasional HTML emails in Thunderbird
Email was designed as a text-only format 40 years ago, and not a heck of a lot has changed. I may be a curmudgeon, but I don’t want…
Vertical Cursor Rulers for Atom
When Github announced the Atom text editor in early 2014, I investigated, but only briefly. Most notably at the time, the early…
Symphony MUD
It’s not at all a post hoc fallacy to begin this article by explaining that in my adolescence I became addicted to…
groupsOf vs chunk in Underscore
Recently while post-processing data from the Google Analytics API, I had the need to aggregate a set of…
Jekyll, Pygments, and Python
Want to use Pygments with Jekyll, but can’t get passed the Failed to get header (MentosError) exception? You’ve read the…