There Is No Middle In the TV Market
I recently had occasion to shop for a new TV set. We’re not huge TV junkies at my house — we may watch an episode or two of…
An Open Letter To Comcast
Foreword: On the morning of Monday, September 28th, I noticed that my Skype connection was hanging intermittently. When GoToMeeting exhibited…
Do you even compress.bro?
Google announced yesterday a new compression algorithm they call “Brotli.” They bill it as a combination of a modern variant of the LZ77…
Extending Windows C: Drive using VirtualBox and iSCSI with FreeNAS
Previously I described how to use VirtualBox to set up a Windows VM with storage on a FreeNAS…
More granular console SQL coloration
Thanks to having spent far too much time admiring Nyan Cat derivatives, the Rails 5.0 console will include a new…
[SOLVED] What do the colors mean in the rails console?
TL;DR — Nothing. Ever notice that database log entry prefixes are colored in the rails console? Ever wonder just what the cyan and magenta represent?
Configuring VirtualBox for iSCSI with FreeNAS
I recently brought a shiny new FreeNAS server online. One of the objectives for the new network storage device was to offload my VirtualBox…
Rust, Part 1: Welcome to the 21st Century
Rust, from Mozilla Research, has shipped a 1.0 beta. To celebrate this great milestone — the advent of modern, civilized society…
The NUKEMAP by Alex Wellerstein is probably the most fascinating interactive map I’ve seen in years, and certainly the coolest thing I’ve discovered in…
Occasional HTML emails in Thunderbird
Email was designed as a text-only format 40 years ago, and not a heck of a lot has changed. I may be a curmudgeon, but I don’t want…